This city near Edmonton is piloting a backyard chicken program

A city west of Edmonton is piloting a two-year urban hen program in which residents can keep a small flock of hens in their backyards. With all of those free eggs, we’d sure love to be neighbours!

The City of Spruce Grove’s urban hen-keeping program is a rewarding experience. It provides families with an exciting new hobby and fresh home-grown eggs. The pilot program will operate over the next two years while the City navigates the best urban hen-keeping practices.

Residents can keep between three and six hens and must build a chicken coop suitable for the chickens year-round, with an enclosed run and fenced outdoor area. Hens aren’t allowed free range in the backyard, however, as this could attract predators, such as coyotes and other pests, into neighbourhoods.

It should also be noted that roosters are not allowed under the pilot. Roosters, unlike hens, can be noisy, and we’re almost positive that neighbours don’t want to hear those guys screaming at 5 am.

Residents must also take a hen-keeping course before applying for an urban hen license. You can find out more about Spruce Grove’s urban hen-keeping program here.

Edmonton adopted a similar urban hen program in 2016. However, licenses are not issued between November and March, and those looking to add a flock to their backyard must wait until spring to obtain their hens.
