Edmonton’s fall yard waste collection schedule will begin next week.
Between Sept. 30 and Nov. 25, residents with curbside collection will receive two yard waste collections days based on their area.
Residents can find their scheduled yard waste days by entering their address through the link.
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Yard waste must be placed in see-through plastic or double-ply paper bags and should be light enough to lift with one arm.
Eco Stations across Edmonton and the Edmonton Waste Management Centre will accept yard waste, either loose or in paper bags, for free. If placed in plastic bags, they must be emptied onsite.
Dutch Elm Disease
Residents are asked to keep a watchful eye on their yard waste for dutch elm disease, which was detected in Edmonton for the first time earlier this month.
According to the city, cut elm wood should not be mixed with yard waste or placed in waste bins, as the beetles carrying the fungus could spread it to nearby trees.
Burning cut elm wood or bringing it to the Edmonton Waste Management Centre are some of the ways residents can safely dispose of cut elm wood.
Eco Stations do not accept elm wood as they can contaminate compost and further spread the disease.
Pest Management services can also deal with infected elm wood. Residents can call 311 to book an investigation if they suspect dutch elm disease on a property.