Alberta, B.C. reach deal to allow wineries to ship directly to consumers

B.C. wineries can once again ship their wines directly to Albertans after the two governments announced an agreement on Tuesday.

In January, Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis told B.C. wineries to stop shipping their wines to homes across the border “to protect the interests of Alberta retailers and liquor agents.”

Alberta says the new memorandum of understanding ensures B.C. wineries “pay their fair share of fees from liquor sales in Alberta.”

“I’m pleased that wine will once again flow to Albertans’ doors,” Alberta Premier Danielle Smith said in a release. “I appreciate the collaboration between our governments, which is set to continue through our agreement and joint working group.”

Albertans can order wine from B.C. as of Tuesday. The MOU will last one year and will be evaluated by both governments after.
